Posts Tagged With: Montana


My first blog?!?! Do I want to share my life? My secrets? My stories?  People say , “You should!” “You’re so funny!!”  “You’re so smart!”  And I wonder who the hell they are talking to… is there someone behind me?  I read blogs that make me laugh and cry; those are the good ones.  If I can evoke feelings in a reader, through my stories, or my photos, then, that will be a reward indeed.

I’m a traveler; a wanderer.  A taker of photos…. not a photographer.  I snap hundreds of shots and if ten turn out, I am happy.  Some say I have an eye for it; a talent… perhaps I do, but talent is relative…. someone will always be better than me.  I’m good with that.

Montana born and raised, a farm girl, turned small city girl, turned big city girl, turned back to small city girl.  Three adult kids, a couple of grandgirls that mean more to me than anything else.  They are the reason for my return to small city life; I want to BE their grammy… all the time, while they are young.  I remember when it was no longer very “cool” to go to Gramma’s house.  I want to enjoy them fully while they want to enjoy me.  The funny things they do and say give me such a happy place in my head!!

Categories: Happy, Montana, Photography, Traveling | Tags: , , , , , , | 1 Comment

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